Games details - Bombbattle


Win or #Getblasted ! With every custom design high-tech game hooked to touch screens, sensors, IOT devices and digital leader boards, this is BOMB BATTLE! Gather your bomb squad now.

The Missions

Bomb Battle is an intensive program focused on training a specialized intelligence squad dedicated to countering terrorism. The selection process for this elite team is rigorous and revolves around a significant mission. Candidates undergo a series of demanding simulation missions designed to push their 7 senses to the limits. Each mission is essentially a battle that they must win under the watchful eyes of their trainers. To reach the pinnacle and become part of the ultimate intelligence squad, individuals must conquer 49 battles spread across 10 missions. Failure is not an option, as it comes with explosive consequences, symbolized by the term “Get BLASTED.” Are you ready to be a part of this relentless team?

Details Information

We get that no event is the same, and our team is on hand to build custom package that works for you. Whether it’s from an hour, half day or full day, we provide a full solution where you just need to enjoy the fun!

Senses tested:


Details Information

We get that no event is the same, and our team is on hand to build custom package that works for you. Whether it’s from an hour, half day or full day, we provide a full solution where you just need to enjoy the fun!

Senses tested:


Details Information

We get that no event is the same, and our team is on hand to build custom package that works for you. Whether it’s from an hour, half day or full day, we provide a full solution where you just need to enjoy the fun!

Senses tested:


Details Information

We get that no event is the same, and our team is on hand to build custom package that works for you. Whether it’s from an hour, half day or full day, we provide a full solution where you just need to enjoy the fun!

Senses tested:
